Your dream starts here…

Rising Action is open for queries.

Please note we will let you know either way if we choose to move forward with your submission. Due to the volume of submissions, we will get back to all queries within twelve to sixteen weeks. We ONLY accept unagented submissions via Query Tracker and do not charge reading fees.

Query Alex

While Alex will accept books from most fiction genres, she has examples of different things she’s looking for in her top genres. She is interested in: Romantic Comedies/Book Club Fiction (think The Flatshare by Beth O’Leary or The Matchmaker’s List by Sonya Lalli). She also is seeking Thrillers/Mysteries/Horror that delves from usual tropes and has an ending that will leave the reader gobsmacked. She is also interested in nonfiction true crime stories. For her full MSWL, click here.

She is not interested in anything fantasy, science fiction, romance outside of romantic comedies, emotionally heavy book club fiction, erotica, religious fiction/nonfiction, COVID-related books, political fiction/nonfiction, novellas, children’s fiction, or middle grade.


Query Tina

Tina is looking for Fantasy novels. She loves women-led stories, morally gray protagonists, political intrigue, LGBTQAI+ representation, battles, and witty banter. As per our message above, she is particularly interested in fantasy that features characters and world-building from BIPOC voices.

She is also not interested in YA, New Adult, picture books, middle grade, father-son stories, or wizard academies.

Tina is also open for Romantasy, but Tina is not interested dark romance, urban fantasy, or the alpha male trope. She is looking for romantasy with rich fantasy world-building, slow burn and/or minimal spice, and adaptations of existing myths.

Tina is closed to all submissions.